We are non-profit organization created to honor America's veterans from the surrounding Maryland and Delaware areas, for all their sacrifices by transporting our heroes to Washington D.C. to visit their memorials.
We appreciate your generosity large and small in Honoring our Heroes with your donations to fulfill this mission.
Below please see the statement issued by the CEO of Honor Flight Network.
The leadership and Board of Honor Flight Network have been closely monitoring guidance from the health authorities concerning COVID-19. On March 10, 2020, the Board held an emergency meeting concerning this developing situation and discussed the CDC’s recently issued advisory that adults over the age of 60 are particularly at risk of infection and should avoid all non-essential air travel. In consideration of the CDC’s guidance and the serious nature of the public health threat posed by COVID-19, the national Board is issuing a mandatory suspension of all Honor Flight trips effective immediately through at least April 30, 2020. The national Board will continue to monitor CDC guidance over the coming weeks to determine if the mandatory suspension of Honor Flight travel will be extended further.
We value the health and safety of our veterans, their guardians, and everyone who supports the Honor Flight trips above all else. The decision to suspend all Honor Flight travel has not been made lightly, and the Board has taken the firm position that all trips scheduled through April 30 must be postponed.
This is an unprecedented and challenging time because of the uncertainties and risks associated with COVID-19. We are particularly concerned about the susceptibility of our elderly veterans to infectious diseases. Many veterans who make Honor Flight trips have serious, chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, COPD or lung disease that leave them even more vulnerable to COVID-19. In addition, many of these veterans live in community settings, such as a retirement home or assisted living facility, where the risk of spread is extremely high. While we realize that many veterans feel a sense of urgency to make a trip to their memorials before it is too late to do so, we simply cannot allow travel under the present circumstances.
Everyone take care
Obtaining a Gate Access Pass (GAP)
The email account to request gate access passes (GAPs) is bwigap19@gmail.com.
The deadline for requests is 36 hours prior to the first flight of the day. Please enter the dates you are requesting GAPs on the subject line and in the body of the email. Unless you are meeting the first flight of the day please let us know which flight you will be meeting. The requested format for submitting is:
First name, Middle initial, Last name, date of birth, (mm/dd/yy format) and gender. Please submit in this format:
John D. Smith, 03/16/99, male
Requests with multiple names should be sorted by last name. When you are submitting a request where several people have the same last name, please also sort by first name.
For example:
Amy Smith
John Smith
Robert Smith
Information not received in the requested format will be returned with a request to reformat. If you are military, please note on your request, so we can assign you to the correct listing. If you do not receive a response to your request within 24 hours please forward an email to jcase928@gmail.com or jjabner@verizon.net so we can respond.
Please note that everyone, babes in arms included, needs a GAP. Picture ID is not required for those under the age of 18 and children under 12 do not have to remove their shoes. Also, volunteers 75 and older can leave their shoes and a light jacket on. If the shoes set off the alarm, you will be asked to take them off and go through the screening again.
Pick up point for all GAPs will be near door 7 on the upper level. If you are coming for flights other than the first one and there is no-one at door 7 and the next flights are on Southwest, please go to door 4 on the lower level (baggage claim for Southwest). The GAPs and the clip board for parking may be found there with one of our yellow shirted volunteers. If there are no Southwest flights arriving, all other incoming flights presently n the schedule are coming in on D Concourse. In that case, the cart may have been taken to the D Information desk
Please park in the hourly garage and bring in your parking ticket for validation along with a government issued picture ID. The parking validation deadline is 45 minutes before the flight arrival time. If you miss this deadline, it doesn't mean that we won't validate parking but it will have to be done after all flights are in.
Please inform Randy Bohn (pinnochle@aol.com) as to what date and flight(s) you will be attending and if others will be going with you. Take pictures if possible and wear your AL Cover. On future flights there may be a listing of the following:
TLC (Their Last Chance): ALL those who served in uniform that were recently diagnosed with a terminal illness….
Lone Eagle: A Lone Eagle is a Veteran whose application has been in our national office for one year or more, yet they do not live close to one of our existing hub cities. Our definition of “close” is within a 120 mile radius of the airport used by the closest hub. When we discover a veteran who qualifies for this program, we will make every effort to fly them from a large commercial airport nearest their home. Honor Flight Network is responsible for arranging transportation for all of our Lone Eagle Veterans.
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